I’m Ba-ack!

     Good day everyone! I know it’s been a long time, but I’m finally back from my trip!

To start off, I’m happy to say that I had a blast at camp, in Quebec, and in the States. I went to a Boston Red Sox game and it was fantastic (they played the Kansas City Royals and won 5-1). I’ve been home for 3 days now relaxing before university starts (tomorrow).

    Now, I did buy a lot of things while at camp, such as a new Nikon SB-700 Speedlight, a Gary Fong Collapsable Light Sphere.

A picture I took at camp before I bought the Light Sphere. Gotta love my flash ❤

  While in the US, I went to a lot of outlet stores and bought a lot of clothes, as well as a new pair of Ray Ban Wayfarer Sunglasses.

  Finally, as I arrived home 3 days ago, some of you must be wondering why I haven’t posted earlier. Well, the reason why is because I bought a new MacBook Pro with Retina Display! I’m currently downloading Aperture and Microsoft Office, so I still have a few things to get done on the computer until it’s finished the official setup (I also need to transfer some photos over, which will take forever. :C)

A photo of my MBPr right after I turned it on.

    A few things to come in the blog include:
– A look at the preorder of Nendoroid Mirai Suenaga; and
– Post from Atlanticon, the convention coming here at the end of September in which I’m apart of the executive commitee.

Until then, keep reading!

Want Listed: Griffon’s 1/8 Yuyuko Saigyouji -ver.2- (Man tears have been shed)

So, as many of my readers know, I have become obsessed with Touhou. Some of my favourite characters are Futatsuiwa Mamizou, Youmu Konpaku, and Yuyuko Saigyouji. The latter of the which was 0ne of the main influences on my introduction to Touhou (Yuyuko’s Nendoroid Form). Now, Griffon Enterprises, who have been making Touhou figures for a pretty long time, have just put up a new Touhou figure for preorder. And holy crap, it is amazing.

Though she’s a whomping 8100 yen, I still plan on considering buying her. As Griffon has become amazing with their figures lately, I  know I would not be disappointed.

Actually, the first time I saw this, manly tears were shed. My initial reaction:


Anywho, are you planning on picking her up? Leave a comment in the comment section!

Also, you can preorder her from Amiami here:

To Do List.

Hello again everyone! It seems like as the months pass, I’ll posting less and less. I feel as if switching over to WordPress may be to blame, but a theme will be decided very soon.

There are a few things I wish to accomplish by the end of the week. Here they are:

(Red = done)

(1.) Review: Nendoroid Mami Tomoe: I feel like I’ve been either really busy or been really lazy lately. I really need to make this review. Once it’s finished, the bolded text will become a link.

(2.) Finish up the theme: Cablepants has finished a certain part of the theme in which I’ve been waiting for. I will update the site as soon as she gives me what that thing is. Post to come explaining this soon.

(3.) Not related to the site, Apply for Scholarships: As I am going to university in September, I need to apply for some scholarships. I plan to do this tomorrow. In the process. Gotta have people do referral forms now.

(4.) Complete Artwork for my Portfolio: My portfolio has to be submitted for March 1st. In order to do this, I’m going to need to draw and get my portfolio sorted with the help of my art teacher. I hope to do this tomorrow as well.

(5.) Get a haircut: I’m in cadets and my hair is touching my ears. Halp.

That’s about it. Time to get productive and do French homework!